Резюме, срочный перевод рус.-англ.: Портфолио фрилансера Мария Народицкая 29.07.2008, работа №2 - FL.RU
Мария Народицкая
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Мария Народицкая
Мария Народицкая

Резюме, срочный перевод рус.-англ.

Quadjo.com The aim of the Internet-project is to gather all the world printed matter in one site. The current state of the project At present more then 30000 materials on 4 world languages are presented at the source. There is an opportunity of online reading and an opportunity to add and to sell one’s own materials. Now we are working at: • The translation of the source to 8 extra languages • Creation of Audio Quadjo (which is a similar audio-material project) While working at the project we were confronted with a financial shortage and competent staff shortage problems.