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Remote job for a Web/Graphic Designer

Отзывы фрилансеров: + 0 - 0
Зарегистрирован на сайте 13 лет и 6 месяцев
Бюджет: 2000 $/месяц
1497.90 € — 182 624.80 руб
Jobs Description 
We are a fast growing internet marketing company looking to hire someone who is a high quality designer who has experience building landing page and optimizing call to actions. Min 3 years design experience.

- This position is remote based, we are not looking for the candidate to relocate.
- We are ONLY looking for individuals, so if you are an outsourcing company please do not apply.
- We are based in the US so you must be able to work 9-5 or 10-6 EST hours.
- Please when posting your comments please list your expected MONTHLY salary expectations.
Skills & Requirements:
• Proficiency designing in Photoshop and Adobe Flash.
• Advanced knowledge of HTML and CSS
• Knowledge and experience with cross-browser and cross-platform issues (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.)
• Very good spoken and written English
• Must be able to work independently as well as within a team
• Understand landing page optimization techniques via simplistic designs focused on call to actions
• Must be comfortable handling adult/mature and sometimes pornographic images.
• Highly creative
Primary Responsibilities:
• Creating custom landing pages with lead generation in mind for our various websites
• Selecting & cropping photos in Photoshop
• Designing custom advertising campaigns focused on lead generation or call to actions
• Improving usability of sites via changing design elements
• Creating custom email campaigns to target new promotions

REQUIRED: When responding, please provide a link to a portfolio that showcases your design work, or links that showcase your design skills and prior work experience.

Please send us your CV at e-mail: 1 [at] it-recruiter [d0t] net
You will be contacted as soon as possible by one of our consultants regarding your message.
04.05.2012 | 15:34 [последние изменения: 30.05.2012 | 10:49]

Теги: резюме дизайнера, лучшие дизайны сайтов, сделать дизайн сайта, создать дизайн сайта, нужен веб дизайнер, требуется веб дизайнер, ищу дизайнера сайтов

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