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Отзывы фрилансеров: + 1 - 0
Зарегистрирована на сайте 5 лет и 5 месяцев
Бюджет: 30 000 руб/заказ
337.99 $ — 310.66 €
Дедлайн: 21.04.2024
Исполнитель определен: Multi level  
(В комнате на стене телевизор по центру и справа на стене #2)
Персонаж заходит и говорит:
Hello, my name is Adom, and I'm going to tell you about UseChange.com.", на поясе у него, 2 балончика с краской(оранжевый и черный)
По центру команты на стене, расположен большой телевизор с тонкой рамкой. Он проходит его и слева от него рисует надпись
Y Сombinator(оранжевым цветом) Под этой надписью он пишет черным балончиком(summer)
Справа от тв он рисует черным #2

(Камера приближается к телевизору, и начинается видеоролик.)

(Просто интуитивно описывайте текст и озвучивайте его. Я пришлю вам пару макетов, чтобы общий стиль соответствовал им.)

UseChange is an online platform for exchanging and selling goods and services. The platform offers three main functions: exchanging goods for goods, services, or money. These functions can be combined in various ways, allowing users to exchange their services for goods, other services, or money. And the third option is buying goods or services directly with money. This concept introduces a fundamentally new approach to existing markets for goods and services.

The platform has two main branches of goods: used and new. Thus, users can acquire what they need based on their preferences. Thousands of individual entrepreneurs engaged in online sales will start creating their stores on UseChange.com. Since the technology itself enables offering products to clients, now it's not only the client seeking goods but also vice versa.

The service will be available through a subscription ranging from $3 to $5 per month. This will allow us to address monetization and avoid pushing users away with advertisements. Each branch has its target audience. To understand the demand accurately, let's examine our target audience more closely. First, as we assume, people who want to exchange unnecessary items for needed ones. This constitutes the bulk of eBay's audience and other internet auctions, totaling around 100 million users. The second and most interesting, in our opinion, audience consists of specialists from various fields, ranging from barbers to programmers. Besides their primary occupation, they'll have the opportunity for additional income by exchanging their skills for goods, other services, or simply money by completing one-time tasks. The total number is around 20 million users. And the third, the most financially capable audience, is internet store owners engaged in reselling their goods.

Our advantages compared to competitors: 1) Using two platforms for selling your goods or services is better than one. 2) For just $5 a month, you can almost guarantee the sale of your goods or services. 3) Internet stores don't always succeed in dealing with liquid goods; sometimes the product sits idle or fails to find its customers for various reasons, and no platform offers a solution in such situations, except us. Here, thanks to the extended functionality, you can sell or exchange your goods for what you need.

Нужно сделать до 21 апреля. 
Озвучить и прорисовать под текст, пример стиля видео прикрепляю ниже. 

Персонажа можете сделать на свой вкус, но мужской пол  обязательно и не ботан, пожалуйста)
11.04.2024 | 08:17 [поднят: 11.04.2024 | 08:17]


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